Thursday, 12 June 2008

SPRINT Festival

Dear Steering Committee

The Long and Winding Road is returning to London to take part in the SPRINT Festival organised by Camden People's Theatre. The profile of the project is rising faster than fuel prices, with a Critic's Choice in Time Out and a mention in What to see this week on Lyn Gardner's The Guardian blog.

SPRINT Festival, London
Thursday 12 June - Saturday 14 June 2008
12pm - 2pm / 6pm - 8pm

Parked on Triton Square near Warren Street Tube Station, I offer passengers a travel sweet and invite them to join me for a car history. The one-to-one performance was commissioned by Fierce! Festival.

Watch this space for project updates and an invitation to the end of the road in December 2008. Safe driving Steering Committee. See you on The Long and Winding Road.

All best


The Long and Winding Road is a four year live art project by Michael Pinchbeck. For more information about the artist and his work please go to