Friday, 6 July 2007

The road goes ever on

The road goes ever on and on
And I must follow if I can
Pursuing it with eager feet
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet
And what then? I cannot say...

J. R. Tolkein


Double take

Tunnel vision

I can't sleep tonight
Everybody saying everything's alright
Still I can't close my eyes
I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

- Travis

Concrete corset

Riding shotgun

Pit stop


Travel sweet

Blue sky thinking

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Personal and close up

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Up close and personal

The Long and Winding Ring Road

Return of the mac

On 3 July 2007 The Long and Winding Road was invited to make a pit stop in Birmingham for a Creative Partnerships Sharing Day at mac. The day was introduced by Soweto Kinch and other artists involved included Juneau Projects and Stan's Cafe. This was an opportunity to talk about the Fierce! Youth Panel commission in June and invite passengers into the car to join me for a travel sweet. The Fierce! Youth Panel are interested in filming the final leg of the journey to Liverpool next year. The Fierce! TV film of The Long and Winding Road outside Ikon Gallery is now online at


Received on 4 July 2007:

Dear Sir / Madam,


Thank you for making your Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) for this vehicle.

The vehicle record now shows that SORN applies from 01/07/07. The SORN will expire on 30/06/08. You should receive a reminder about 2 weeks before the SORN expires. However it remains your responsibility to ensure that you renew the SORN or license the vehicle. If you sell, permanently export, or scrap the vehicle you must tell us. The notes on the vehicle registration certificate (V5C) explain what to do.

Yours faithfully,


Sent on 5 July 2007:

Dear DVLA,

Thank you for sending me a Statutory Off Road Notification.

I plan to drive the car into the River Mersey on 17 May 2007. I will then retrieve the car from the river and crush it into a cube. I will cut this cube up into little cubes to be distributed amongst my Steering Committee. I could not find any notes in the vehicle registration certificate (V5C) that tell me what to do about this. I will inform you of the event nearer the time.

Yours faithfully,


PS Perhaps I could add you to my Steering Committee?